图/文 记者周涛
Fixed on the Road of the Long March- Sculptor Liao Kai and His "Historical Themes"
Mr. Liao Kai started his works on "Red Themes" when, in a pure coincidence, Zunyi Conference Memorial Museum commissioned him to make the commemorative sculpture of "Mao Zemin and Lin Boqu". It was the first time that he had been involved in the "Red Theme. In order to make the sculpture the best, Mr. Liao Kai not only collected a large number of historical books to understand this period of history but also made a special trip to those historical sites. After the sculpture was finished several months later, he has become an expert in the history of the Long March. "
Behind the difficult long journey, it is the tenacious spirit of our nation. I always think those great figures should not be faded out of the memory of this generation, therefore I chose the "Long March Theme" works to make more young people understand this period of history. "
In the face of such a magnificent and beautiful epic like the Long March, Mr. Liao Kai has been tirelessly seeking technique breakthroughs. He said, when sculpting"Mao Zemin and Lin Boqu", he was still exploring, and the sculpture was comparatively traditional. However, when sculpting the large series of sculptures "the Historical Turning Point" for Zunyi Conference Memorial Museum,he carried out bold breakthroughs with the creation gradually moving towards intention, and put emphasis on similarity in spirit, strengthened the imposing manner of the characters. This series of sculptures was highly praised inside and outside of China.
Rodin once said, a true artist always takes risks to overthrow all existing bias, and tries to show what he really wants." Mr. Liao Kai wants to break the traditional way in historical memorial sculptures, which is characterized with the Su style (the technique of sculpture used by the sculptors in former Soviet Union ), to make his works stand the test of time. In his current creation, "Four Times Crossing the Chishui River", Mr. Liao Kai tried a new technique to show the Red Army's elegant demeanour of flexibility and defeating enemies by unexpected attacks. He combined circular engravure and relief, used symbolism and made relief by adopting scattered points of Chinese landscape painting, depicted characters by freehand brushwork and shaping in large pieces to emphasis the majestic battle moments.
"Only becoming enthusiastic about creative theme, can one make good works." Mr. Liao Kai treats his current state of creation like this, "It is the glamorous stories of the Long March that makes me enter such a great state of creation".
Photo/Script by Zhou Tao
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